Penalty Audits

All the data you need to quickly classify links and get penalties removed.

Check for live links using the most accurate on-demand link checker

Import your link lists and check link status, anchor text, nofollow, link location & 3rd party link metrics.

Speed up link classification with intuitive and transparent link scoring

Quickly classify thousands of links to find unnatural, suspect or low trust links.

Save time on future audits with whitelists and blacklists

Develop updatable domain white/black lists to make the most of your experience and save time in future.

Chris Dyson
"My new SEO tool of 2014 - extremely powerful and efficient when analysing large scale backlink profiles whilst working on Google penalty removal and prevention."

Carl Hendy

Find out what Google thinks about your links

Check Google PageRank, index status and last cached date for any URL list (proxies supported).

Identify unnatural patterns in linking domains

Quickly check for patterns in site type, IP address, nameservers and C-block from linking domains.

Gather contact information for painless link removal requests

Harvest domain email addresses, contact pages and even WHOIS emails for removal requests.

Try it for yourself

Download your 14 day trial, no credit card required.

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