Domain Research

Domain intelligence to help you find website authority, relevance & ownership footprints.

Quickly grab external link counts and domain metrics

Link data and metrics from Majestic, Moz and Ahrefs, neatly combined in a single spreadsheet.

Identify domain topicality to find sites in your niche

Find site topicality with Majestic’s Topical Trust Flow, and (free) uClassify classifications.

Nick Garner
"I love this tool. It's massively improved our link research capabilities, making bulk link analysis far faster and more concise, ultimately upping the quality & volume of great links delivered to our clients."

Nick Garner 90 Digital

Check site traffic and popularity for competitive research

Use Alexa rank, SEMRush domain traffic stats and ranking keywords to determine site popularity.

Find out what Google thinks about any website’s homepage

Check Google index status and PageRank for the homepage of any URL (proxies supported).

Make informed decisions when buying expired domains

Quickly sort through domain listings using WHOIS, drop history and data.

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