
URL Profiler can help you improve dozens of daily tasks

Content Audits

Get deep insight into your content and export it all into a single spreadsheet.

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Link Prospecting

Lightning fast prospecting with all your favourite data, all in one place.

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Penalty Audits

All the data you need to quickly classify links and get penalties removed.

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Social & Contact Data

Collect an abundance of social and contact data to turbo charge your outreach.

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Domain Research

Domain intelligence to help you find website authority, relevance & ownership footprints.

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Everything you need to do an audit

Configure URL Profiler to collect and record the data you need.

Backlink Checker

Quickly checks your backlinks and returns in depth anchor information.

Site Types

Scans the site to identify the type of site and software used.

Link Metrics

Downloads bulk link metrics from Mozscape, Majestic SEO and Ahrefs.

Email Harvesting

Scrapes, harvests and extracts website email addresses.

Readability Score

Calculates content quality statistics and 5 separate readability scores.

Social Accounts

Finds Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and Pinterest account links.

Social Shares

Retrieves social engagement metrics for domains and URLs.


Quickly checks thousands of URLs, without any proxies.

Google Analytics

Connects directly to the Google Analytics API.

Whois Emails

Fetches unlimited whois email addresses without captchas.

IP Address

Fetches the domain's server IP address and country code.


Connects to Google's PageSpeed service to fetch scores & statistics.

HTTP Status

Checks HTTP Status for each URL and returns end result for redirects.


Retrieves duplicate content and plagiarisation issues.

Robots Access

Checks search engine access using Robots and Canonical information.


Retrieves traffic, rank and link data, without any proxies.

Still unsure? Theres nothing like talking to a real person

Email us support@urlprofiler.com

Ready to take your content auditing seriously?