Update 1.58 – Keyword Search Volume & Free Daily Link Metrics

Posted on: November 2nd, 2015 by Patrick Hathaway in Updates

Before I tell you what’s new, I have a bit of bad news to share – we’ve had to change the way we give you ‘free’ Majestic metrics.

A year ago, Majestic gave us access to a throttled version of their API for use within our tool; unfortunately this API has now been decommissioned.

As we are aware this will disappoint some users, we have put together a solution that we hope will in fact be better for most of you…

Majestic AND Moz – 500 Free Daily Checks

All our users will now get 500 free checks for both Moz and Majestic link data, to be used at either URL or domain level – even if you don’t subscribe to their services.

We once again have the legendary Dixon Jones to thank for hooking us up on the Majestic side (we’ve had to delve into the URL Profiler coffers to fund the Moz data).

The great thing about this is that with both providers we are now using the full, lightning quick APIs – so your data will always come back within seconds.

To get going, import some URLs in the white box on the right as usual, then click one of the boxes highlighted below (or all 4, should you so wish). Then run the profiler.

Free Moz & Majestic Data

And that’s all you need to do.

All your favourite metrics, all in a single report – Citation Flow, Trust Flow, Domain Authority, Page Authority, Topical Trust Flow (and the rest…).

All without entering a single API key, and all for FREE.

A few notes on usage:

  • The 500 free checks is for each of Moz and Majestic, and will be the combined total of Domain Level and URL Level checks.
  • The daily allocation is reset at midnight, Greenwich Mean Time (by far my favourite mean time).
  • You can use the 500 checks in as many individual profiles as you wish (e.g. 5 profiles, each with 100 URLs in) – however you won’t receive any more data as soon as you go over the 500 threshold.
  • The free option only comes into play when you don’t have an API key entered in the Account Settings.

The Main Event – Keyword Search Volume Data

Hopefully you are all warmed up now, so I can get on with announcing our latest integration – keyword search volume data from GrepWords.

I know what you’re thinking; ‘But Patrick, URL Profiler only lets me upload URLs, not keywords – how does search volume fit in?’

You make a fair point, dear reader, but you are forgetting our Search Analytics API Integration, otherwise known as ‘keyword data for every webpage on my site.’

With our latest update, in addition to the keyword data extraction, we can also bring in search volume for each of these keywords.

How It Works

The search volume data is directly tied into the Search Analytics integration that you may already be familiar with, which is accessed by clicking ‘Search Analytics’ under the ‘Google’ options.

Google URL Level Data

The popup box isn’t any different to previous, however the ‘Country’ selector comes into play a little more than it used to (more on that later).

Search Analytics

Then the data comes back with each keyword, and the corresponding clicks/impressions/CTR/position from Search Analytics (designated with ‘SA’ in brackets). Then the next column is ‘Search Volume’, which, as you can probably guess, displays the search volume. This corresponds to the average monthly search volume in the country you specified in the dropdown above.

Here is an example (click to enlarge):

Keyword Data

Keyword Opportunities

This keyword volume data gives an extra dimension to the Search Analytics integration, however it becomes even more powerful when viewed on our new ‘Keyword Opportunities’ report.

You can find this by clicking on the second worksheet in the report.

Keyword Opportunities


What this gives you is an aggregated list of all the keywords for which search volume could be found, ordered high-low by search volume (again, click to enlarge this example):

Keyword Opportunity Data

So this shows keywords that you already rank for to some degree, as they have all come from Search Analytics in the first place. The Search Volume sort is giving you the juiciest keywords first, allowing you to quickly see which keywords that you might want to rank better for in the future.

Obviously there will be some keywords which are simply too short tail – as per the examples above – but we’d rather give you all the data and let you decide what to target first.

This data can be used in a number of ways:

  • To identify new keywords to actively target with new content.
  • To identify opportunities to get more bang for your buck with existing content.
  • To quickly spot ‘content gaps’ in your site.

What is GrepWords?

You may not necessarily be familiar with GrepWords as a product, but you are almost certainly familiar with the developer responsible for it, none other than Mr Russ Jones.

Alongside running GrepWords, Russ recently joined Moz as their ‘Principal Search Scientist’.

This was him just after he started:

Grepwords has been built specifically for API usage – which is why you may not have heard of it – almost all of their business comes from partnerships similar to ours. Most of the big players in the industry who provide keyword data are getting it from Grepwords. So you probably have used their data – indirectly – at some point.

100,000+ Keywords

Grepwords maintains a database of over 100,000,000 US keywords, and over 100,000,000 International keywords. Some countries have more keywords than others; the exact breakdown (as of March this year) is below:

Country Volume
argentina 2,849,627
australia 9,074,570
brazil 3,654,536
bulgaria 535,303
canada 12,125,710
china_simplified 874,323
china_traditional 710,022
denmark 92,557
finland 860,314
france 8,051,383
germany 8,202,884
greece 353,466
hungary 404,720
india 6,658,479
ireland 4,496,615
israel 499,201
italy 7,770,272
japan 2,913,816
mexico 5,769,307
netherlands 819,505
newzealand 3,052,397
norway 360,778
poland 1,861,117
portugal 2,139,285
romania 772,240
russia 2,710,893
south_africa 3,228,625
south_korea 414,329
spain 5,847,726
sweden 683,089
turkey 2,002,589
united_kingdom 13,180,255
united_states 112,969,933

Obviously, this will make the data somewhat limited for some websites, but hopefully still useful nonetheless.

Update to Mobile-Friendly Checker

Google recently added a new check to their mobile-friendly test (a welcome one, if you ask me) – ‘Avoid App Interstitials’.

Interstitial screens are those horrible overlays that take over your mobile screen and try to force you to take an action (like an app install).

Interstitial Screens

Google have recognised that users hate this experience so it is now one of their mobile-friendly checks.

Avoid App Interstitials

We have integrated this check into our mobile-friendly checker as one of the ‘tests’ you need to pass/fail in order to get the mobile-friendly tag in the SERPs.

Mobile Friendly

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Occasional column mis-match when doing Readability checks.
  • Fixed: Issue with Cyrillic URLs were not matching up to Google Analytics data.
  • Fixed: Issue (Mac only) where Custom User Agent was not properly configurable.
  • Fixed: Issue (Mac only) where previously ticked options were still getting checked even after being un-ticked.


Existing customers or existing trial users can grab the new update from here:

If you’ve not tried URL Profiler yet, you can start a free 14 day trial here. The trial is full featured, and you don’t need to give us any payment details to get started.